Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Mission Opportunity!

Recently, an exciting mission opportunity came our way! In April, I will be going with Randy on our first overseas mission trip "together" to Zambia, Africa! This was completely unplanned and unexpected! Every year, during our church's Global Impact Conference, we are given a list of the mission trips that our church plans to go on during the next year. I always have the desire to go and serve the Lord on a short term mission trip, but usually don't give it much thought because I've always either been pregnant or had a baby that I couldn't leave behind! This year was no different! Margaret Anne is only 5 months old and I just thought that it was too soon to leave her and the boys. Well, the Lord had other plans. Just a few weeks ago, Wes & Laurie Wilcox, missionaries in Zambia, called Randy and asked for help from our church to work at their annual meeting for all the missionaries in Zambia. This would entail people rocking babies, playing with toddlers, VBS for children, hanging out with teenagers, and leading the worship services for the missionaries. I thought "I could do that!" Randy encouraged me to go and I waffled back & forth for a few days. I prayed and asked the Lord to make it clear to me if I was supposed to go. He spoke very plainly to me through His Word and showed me that I needed to go with my husband, support him, and work together with him. Several verses in Genesis and Ecclesiastes 4:9 spoke to me, "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor." So, I made the decision to go and obey God's call. My main concern was leaving our 3 children behind. I thought if I can find childcare, then I will be confident in this decision. My parents lovingly committed to taking care of our children in Auburn for this 9-10 day trip. All of this to say, please pray for us as we prepare to go and serve these missionaries in Zambia. It's only a few short weeks away! Also, please pray that God would provide the money for this trip. I know that if He called me, He will provide a way! I really do not wish to ask for money, but I will say that if the Lord leads you to give towards this mission opportunity, please contact us and we will let you know how. A quick praise... the other day when our deposit was due for this trip, I received in the mail my passport and a check for the exact amount of the deposit that we owed! The Lord is providing already! I don't usually write this much, so thank you for reading, listening, and praying!

William turned 5!!!

On December 31st, our sweet William turned 5 years old! I can't believe it has already been 5 years since he was born, 7 weeks early, at only 4 lb. 12 oz. You wouldn't know he was a preemie if you saw him now! People are constantly commenting on how tall he is! William is such a kind, thoughtful, considerate, and loving boy! He loves going to WeeSchool, playing with Joshua and friends, and doting on his baby sister! We are so proud of our big boy!
This is his Auburn football cake that my good friend Ashley made! Isn't it so cute?!?

Getting ready to blow the candles out!

Joshua enjoying some cake & ice cream

William & some of his good buddies!

William's new bike!

All the little football players and cheerleaders

William & Rylee

Thursday, February 19, 2009

After 2 months, an update!

So, I guess I've gotten a little behind this year as you can tell by my lack of blogging! I apologize for those of you who actually look at this thing! I guess I'm still adjusting to having 3 kids, and keeping up with all that comes along with them! I will attempt to catch up and slowly update this blog with pictures from the last 2 months. For now, here are some pictures from Christmas. I'm trying a new slideshow since I had so many pictures to share. I will try to post more very soon!