Monday, May 18, 2009

Margaret Anne's Dedication

At the end of March, when Margaret Anne had just turned 6 months old, we had a special dedication time for her at church. We committed to raising her in the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ and our church committed to praying for us as we raise her to love Him!
Lynne Gibel, a special lady at WBC, handmade this beautiful heirloom dress for her to wear on this special day! Isn't it beautiful?

MA is a very happy girl!!!

Even the slip she made for Margaret Anne was beautiful with her initials monogrammed on it!

A sweet time of dedication for the whole family
Our pastor & friend, Bro. Matt holding Margaret Anne... she really took to Matt and laid her head on him when he was praying!
Thank you Matt for leading us in this special time. Thank you Wynne Baptist Church for praying for us as we raise this precious daughter. Thank you Lynne for the beautiful dress you spent many hours making! And thank you Lord for the blessing You have given us in Margaret Anne! May we honor You as we raise her and her brothers!