Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!

Joshua turned 2 on the 17th, and we celebrated his birthday with a party on Saturday. It's amazing to think that 2 years have passed so quickly and to see how much he's grown! He's such a happy, smiley, fun-loving little boy and we are so very thankful for him. Lots of his friends came to his dump truck party and his birthday cake was a dump truck full of dirt cake and gummy worms!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Sweet Reunion

Last night, we drove to Memphis to meet Randy when he arrived at the airport. The boys and I were so excited and so ready for him to be home with us!

Five sweet little boys waiting for their daddies to get off the airplane

William & Joshua holding the signs we made for Daddy
Of course, they ran to their Daddy when they saw him walking down the hallway.

Three very happy boys!!!
The beautiful flowers Randy sent to me while he was gone... thanks babe!

Needless to say, we are all sooooo very glad to have our "Daddy" home again! We love you!!!

Family Time

While Randy was in Thailand, the boys and I drove to Auburn for a few days to spend time with my family there. (Not to mention, to get some help with the boys! 12 days is a long time with no relief!)
William & Joshua had so much fun with their cousins Franklin, Claudia & Sam. Could bath time be any more fun than this???
Here are the cousins all clean and ready for bed!
Mimi with the boys at Hickory Dickory Park
Quality time for Mommy & the boys!
Papa, Mimi, & the boys... always having a good time
Papa & Joshua having some snuggle time before bed

A fun time was had by all! Thanks, Papa & Mimi, for all your help while we were without our Daddy!

Catching up with Friends

Here are a few pictures of friends that I was able to visit while in Auburn. It was fun getting to catch up with long-time friends and even let our kids play together! On our drive down to Auburn and on our way home, we also stopped in Clanton and Birmingham to visit friends during our food/potty breaks.
Tyler & Jackson Alexander (elementary/high school friend)
Stacy, Bailey & Virginia Tinsley (friend from working at Sav-A-Life)

Christy Norris & twins William & Maggie (friend from high school/college)
William & Joshua with new friend Jackson (Christy's son)

Mandy, Shea, Megan (former youth from Clanton who now go to Auburn, Troy, & Alabama)
I enjoyed seeing all of you and the others not pictured. Thanks for spending a little time with us!